11th August 2017

2014 Symposium: A Cloud for Europe?

“A Cloud for Europe? Feasibility and Implications of Internet Regionalisation”  

Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre, 1st Annual Symposium

30 September – 1 October 2014, The Møller Study Centre

Is a Europe – only cloud feasible, realistic or desirable? Could it be achieved by technical means? What would be the implications? These and other issues of vital importance to cloud computing, including security and data protection compliance were the focus of discussion at the 1st MCCRC Annual Symposium.

Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in small groups consisting of a balanced number of technical and legal experts and moderated by a representative from Cambridge or QMUL. Group participants elected their own representatives to report the group’s findings back to the Plenary Session.

To accompany and facilitate the discussions, the MCCRC research team has produced two academic research papers, one on the legal and one on the technical aspects of the feasibility and implications of a ‘Europe – only’ cloud. Please see below for more details.


Symposium Research Papers 

1. “Policy, Legal and Regulatory Implications of a Europe – only Cloud
W. Kuan Hon , Christopher Millard, Chris Reed, Jatinder Singh, Ian Walden, Jon Crowcroft

2. “Regional Clouds: technical considerations
Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, Jon Crowcroft, Anil Madhavapeddy, Thomas Pasquier, W. Kuan Hon , Christopher Millard


Symposium Presentations

KEYNOTE 1: European cloud strategy_trusted cloud and public sector
Dr Dirk Van Rooy

KEYNOTE 2: Policy, Legal and Regulatory Implications of an EU Only Cloud
Professor Christopher Millard and W. Kuan Hon

KEYNOTE 3: Regional clouds technical considerations
Professor Jon Crowcroft and Dr Jatinder Singh

PLENARY SESSION: Cloud panopticon legal frameworks and technical response
Professor Ian Walden and Professor Jon Crowcroft